Hi, I’m Christina! I am a licensed esthetician and owner of Andromeda Apothecary. I love trying out and reviewing new products, and I am very passionate about clean, nontoxic ingredients, and ethical brands.
My Skin
I have very fair, sensitive, acne prone skin that is difficult to color match, and even harder to soothe and keep clear. I get splotchy red cheeks, and my acne is mostly hormonal, concentrated mostly around my chin and mouth area. I get very dry and flaky in the winter. For my face and body, I love products that exfoliate, cleansers that provide little or no lather, and I prefer a moisturizer on the richer side. On my face, I love trying any kind of masks, toners and serums!
I think it is important to note that everyone reacts to products differently, and something that works fantastically for me might not agree with others, as well as something I rate poorly might be perfect for you.